The Chinese love jewelry and see it as an investment vehicle. They consider investing in jewelry as “saving for a rainy day.” Jing Daily reported that, “Over the past several years, demand for diamonds has soared throughout mainland China as diamond engagement rings have become a “must” for young couples, luxury consumption has surged, and wealthy urbanites have started to see the precious stones as good “portable investments.”
According to Jing Daily, in 2009, China surpassed Japan to become the world’s second-largest diamond market. While the U.S. is still the market leader, accounting for 38% of total diamond consumption, according to Bruce Cleaver, CCO of De Beers, China, along with the Middle East and India, will collectively account for 40% of global diamond consumption.
Our study showed that the mainland Chinese are not afraid to spend. Nearly 56% of respondents said that they had purchased two or more pieces of fine jewelry within the past 12 months.